1 | 夏天多数是热天和晴天 | Most of the time there is warm clear day in summer. | |
2 | 一般在公公婆婆家吃过晚饭再回来。 | Most of the time , at my mother and father-in-law’s house, we go home after eating dinner. | |
3 | 在大多数时候,我对生活中的两个极端都不感到舒服。我总是惧怕它们,并且一直在抱怨。 | Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable.I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through. | |
4 | 在其住院期间大都继续输氧 | Oxygen inhalation was continually used most of the time during this period of her hospitalization. | |
5 | 这种叛逆思想我不大向别人暴露。 | Most of the time I keep such traitorous thoughts to myself | |
6 | 只在恰当的时候说恰当的话,大部分时间则不要说话 | Say the right thing at the right time, and keep still most of the time | |
7 | 只在恰当的时候说恰当的话,大部分时间则不要说话。 | Say the right thing at the right time,and keep still most of the time . | |
8 | 紫外线能诱发皮肤癌,但是在大部分时间里,这个机体的最大器官能轻易地摆脱紫外线的影响。 | ultraviolet light can trigger skin cancer. But most of the time , the body’s largest organ simply shrugs off its effects | |
9 | 作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。 | As geologist, we work in the field most of the time . | |
10 | ||1:“政策”似乎在解释东德全职就业人数下降方面发挥了重要作用。||2:尽管最近发生了一些变化,但统一后的德国和德国联邦政府的政策一样,仍然假设女性首先应该是妻子和母亲。||3:对已婚夫妇的联合征税、对配偶的免费共同保险、以及对“迷你工作”或低工时合同的税收减免,可能对鼓励西德妇女延长工作时间并使东德妇女放弃全职工作没有什么帮助。 | ||1:Policy seems to play a powerful role in explaining the collapse in full-time employment in the east.||2:Despite some recent changes, the policies of unified Germany, like those of the FRG, still assume that women are wives and mothers first.||3:Joint taxation of married couples, free co-insurance for spouses and tax breaks for "mini jobs", or low-hours contracts, probably did little to encourage women in the west to up their hours, and put those in the east off full-time work. | |
11 | ||1:从基础电容器到超级电容器的飞跃涉及两点。||2:一点是要在导电板上涂上如活性炭等的多孔材料以增加存储能量的可用表面积,另一点是要将它们浸泡在电解质中,这样就能在电解质与极板的边界处形成更多的存储区域。||3:不过,在混合物中加入电解质的同时可能也会加入一些类似电池的电化学元素。爱沙尼亚的一家超级电容器公司“骨架技术”正计划这样做。 | ||1: Making the leap from a basic capacitor to the super variety involves two things. ||2: One is to coat the plates with a porous material such as activated carbon, to increase the surface area available for energy storage. The other is to soak them in an electrolyte. This creates yet more storage area in the form of the electrolyte’s boundary with the plates. ||3: But adding an electrolyte to the mix also brings the possibility of adding a bit of battery-like electrochemistry at the same time. And Skeleton Technologies, an Estonian supercapacitor firm, plans to do just that. | |
12 | ||1:心理计量测验自20世纪70年代起开始变得越来越流行,目前人们认为它行之有效,可以对众多申请大公司工作岗位的求职者们进行筛选。||2:另一位心理学家茱莉亚·奈特说:“整理上千份书面申请是一项艰巨的任务,这项任务耗时耗力,效率不高,还容易出现偏差。” | ||1: Psychometric tests became more popular from the 1970s onwards and are now seen as a useful way of sorting through the many candidates who apply for the jobs offered by big companies. ||2: “It is a laborious task to sort through thousands of written applications,”says Julia Knight,another occupational psychologist.“As well as being time consuming,it is not very effective and subject to bias.” | |
13 | ||1:因为化学反应需要时间,所以用这种方法操作的话电池的功率密度会很低,而电动汽车中使用的锂离子电池每千克只能产生十分之一千瓦的电量。||2:但是化学物质可以储存很多能量,所以电池有很高的能量密度(每单位重量可以包含的能量)。||3:锂离子电池每千克可存储200-300瓦时能量,而超级电容器一般可以控制在10wh/kg以下。 | ||1: Controlled in this way, chemical reactions take time, so batteries have low power density. A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery of the sort used in electric cars might thus muster only a tenth of a kilowatt per kilogram. ||2: But chemicals can hold a lot of energy, so batteries have high energy density (the amount of energy they can contain, again per unit weight). ||3: A Li-ion battery can store 200-300 watt-hours per kilogram (wh/kg). Supercapacitors generally manage less than 10wh/kg. | |
14 | 与此同时,“态度”可能是解释东西德之间长期存在工作时长差距的部分原因:在统一30年之后,东德女性仍然更倾向于认可全职妈妈。这与早期的发现相一致,即东德人可能更倾向于用平等的眼光看待性别角色。 | Attitudes, meanwhile, may help explain part of the lasting hours gap between east and west: 30 years after unification, eastern women are still more likely to approve of full-time working mums. This chimes with earlier findings that east Germans are more likely to have an egalitarian view of the roles of the sexes. | |
15 | “一般还行,但有时候就……就有点看不清了,”艾萨克告诉FoxNewsHealth.com的记者说。 | "Most of the time it was fine, but sometimes it, it would look a little bit blurry, " Isaac told FoxNewsHealth. com. | |
16 | “有时候心脏病突发了才让人意识到患有心脏疾病,但大多数时候是有一些预警信号的。”她说。 | "Sometimes the first sign of heart disease is a heart attack, but most of the time , there are warning signs, " she said. | |
17 | “在许多研究中,绝大多数时候都是整体优于各个部分的累加”,她说。 | "Most of the time , in many studies, the whole is better than the sum of its parts, " she says. | |
18 | 10.大多时候你所追求的就在你面前 | Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you. | |
19 | 爱会占据你:简单地说,在大部分时间里,你想着你的恋人。 | Pre-occupied love: Simply stated, you think about the one you love most of the time . | |
20 | 巴里医生时常说:“从临床的立场上看,只要你不摔跤,那骨骼脆弱点又有什么关系呢!” | Most of the time , Dr. Barry says, "fragile bones don’t matter, from a clinical standpoint, if you don’t fall down. " | |
21 | 爸爸妈妈大部分情况都会点头微笑以示肯定,承认宝宝在试图说话,并且这些朦胧的言语已经成为家庭谈话的一部分。 | And most of the time , parents nod and smile, acknowledging the baby voices that have become part of the family conversation. | |
22 | 比如我们非常熟悉的鲁豫,杨澜多数时的穿衣都是非常优雅的。 | As we are familiar with Lu Yu, Yang Lan wearing most of the time are very elegant. | |
23 | 测试过程中的大多数时间,他的连接速度都近乎ISP的标称速度。 | Most of the time , he was getting rates close to those advertised by his ISP. | |
24 | 大部分时候,我们爱的人并不是故意的让我们失望。 | Most of the time , the people we love don’t mean to let us down. | |
25 | 大部分时候,性高潮实际上需要这样的紧绷感才能发生。 | Most of the time tension is actually required for an orgasm to happen. | |
26 | 大部分时间,杰克紧闭着嘴,双眼望着虚空作沉思状。 | Most of the time , Jack keeps his mouth shut and his eyes staring pensively into space. | |
27 | 大部分时间里,你会在有一个以上过滤器,赋值的时候倾向使用大括号。 | Most of the time , you’ll prefer using curly braces when you have more than one filter, assignment, etc. | |
28 | 大部分时间里,我总是坐在后面那样就避免参与讨论。 | I tried to sit in the back most of the time so as not to participate. | |
29 | 大部分时间手机被发现的时候都是锁着的,或者是移除SIM卡的。 | Most of the time , when phones are found they are locked and have had their SIM cards removed. | |
30 | 大部分睡觉时,都是一只眼睁着,提防被偷或者被袭击,而闭着另一只眼。 | Most of the time , when you do sleep, you sleep with one eye open for fear of having something stolen, or being attacked. |